Our Services


Life presents many challenges including - but certainly not limited to - the uncertainty of the Social Security and health care systems combined with increasing life spans, the ever-changing tax code and its interpretation, and the complexity of the financial markets in today's global economy.  You can face these challenges alone ... or in a partnership with a specialist like us. 


We offer three major benefits: [1] comprehensive services, [2] an unbiased, time-tested, conservative philosophy, and [3] a financial "road map."


Our analysis of your assets, needs, goals, tax situation, insurance coverage, and tolerance for risk is painstakingly thorough.  As an independent advisor, our recommendations are impartial because, unlike many brokers and financial representatives of major companies, we don't have a sales quota and are not tied to specific sources of financial products, so we can shop for the product that suits your needs. 


Finally, life is a journey, but you probably won't reach your intended financial destination if you don't know where you are going, don't follow the best route there, and don't keep up a steady pace.  For that reason, our meticulous approach is intended to produce an effective plan to get you where you want to be when you want to be there.